Danone: ELINA Intranet Development




2018 - 2018

Danone: ELINA Intranet Development

Challenge: How to build intranet that meet employees’ needs

Danone Early Life Nutrition (Elina) is a division that consist of PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika and PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera. The company’s commitment is to make healthy start for all babies by sharing knowledge with parents and caregivers, helping them to make the right choice for baby in the first 1000 days and beyond.

As the business grows, the company needs a place where their staff can share information across the board. This place will play important roles in improving productivity, corporate communications, and knowledge management.

Solution: Developing intranet for better communication

Realizing Elina’s need to make better communication among the employees, Suitmedia makes suggestion to build a modern intranet. This Intranet is a private network for company, intended to share information securely which limited to just employees.

Better employee engagement

We designed Elina’s intranet in a well-designed, engaging, and useful intranet that becomes a key component in internal communication. We ensured that the intranet will have a power to capture the attention of each and every employee as seen in “Employee Corner” menu. Through “Employee Corner” menu, user can find employee stories, tips, lounge and corner detail. There is also a page dedicated to announce new employee at Elina. This intranet will be a perfect place for 2 way communications with employees.

Support company value

Aside from creating better employee engagement, Elina’s intranet is designed to enhance and support corporate values, mission statements, and company goals. Rather than sending out emails to give outline of company’s mission, intranet becomes a perfect place to make sure all employees are on board with company’s mission, thus we designed “Our Company” in an attractive ways. This menu contains company’s vision, mission, history and achievement that will create better relationship and engagement between employees and company.

Result: Drive innovation for better success

The essence of Elina’s intranet is to raise employee engagement by offering a place where every employee can collaborate and participate on the intranet. The intranet also drives a more team-orientated workplace where executives, management, and company leaders to have presence and provide mentorship to employees through Elina’s intranet.

Organization Type

How We Transform Ideas into Reality