Lucky Tribe: Youth Community Engagement


Bentoel Group


2020 - 2021

Lucky Tribe: Youth Community Engagement
Bentoel Group

Challenge : How we get interaction and community engagement which can bring the connection to the brand

Lucky Tribe as part of Lucky Mild tries to get and increase interaction with the target audience and various communities that are considered capable of representing the brand persona and target audience, so the use of digital platforms and social media is the main choice considering that the target audience is in the young age range. Unfortunately, the competition to attract the target audience through digital platforms and social media is quite high, many brands are using a similar approach, it takes a strategy and execution of the right digital plan to make Lucky Tribe achieve its goals.

Solution : We build an unique proposition and getting brand communities through digital

Lucky Tribe tries to form a unique persona, Lucky Tribe invites the audience to be more confident and free to express themselves through various unique and positive communities. Lucky Tribe also tries to interact with the audience through various trivia and gamification as well as exciting activations that match the target audience's interests. Lucky Tribe tries to combine real experiences and vicarious experiences to provide a different interaction sensation from other brands.

Result : Formed a unique interaction pattern between the audience, community and brand

Lucky Tribe has succeeded in forming a unique interaction pattern with its audience, engaging the community and connecting it with brands. The result was excellent awareness and engagement with Lucky Tribe and Lucky Mild as a brand. Seen from the growth of followers and engagement rates, Lucky Tribe managed to experience a follower growth of 2400 followers with an average follower growth of 200 accounts per month.

Their engagement rate is also quite good, Lucky Tribe has an average engagement rate of 400 per month. This proves that through a variety of content and a unique hybrid approach, Lucky Tribe manages to bring various experiences in exciting new ways.

Organization Type

How We Transform Ideas into Reality