Challenge: How to give employees a full access to real-time information at a moment’s notice
As a part of DANONE Group, Nutricia has been running as a global company that specializes in baby food and clinical nutrition. The company has been growing in Indonesia with a huge number of employees that are spreading around the country. This condition leads to a challenge in internal company’s coordination. They were looking for an effective platform to make every Nutricia’s officer and staff around Indonesia to get information with ease. As a part of these internal coordination efforts, Nutricia partnered with Suitmedia to launch three mobile applications: Nuna general, Nuna for sales, and Nuna for HCN.
Solutions: Mobile experiences that improve the way work gets done
Nuna general
We wanted to provide an engaging and informative mobile app that accommodates a good communication flow in the company. The platform should offer a clear and simple path for employees to get important information about their company. Suitmedia set out to build the mobile app, which is called Nuna General, with purposeful features, such as updated news and announcement from the company; Motivational messages from Nutricia’s board of directors; Gallery of Nutricia; Articles from Employees; and most importantly, a ‘Share Your Voice’ feature to give a space for employees to share their opinion and discussion. This mobile app is now has become an integral part of Nutricia in making a strong connection and communication.
Nuna for sales
As the front-row of the company, Nutricia Brand Ambassadors (NBA) will do their tasks effectively if they’re supported by an up-to-the-minute information about the company, such as product knowledge, consumer data, and consumer verification report from telemarketing division. To accelerate the NBA function in the company, we built an easy-to-use mobile app called ‘Nuna for Sales’. In this app, every NBA can use the app seamlessly to submit new consumers’ data from the NBA’s mobile device in a faster way. This feature has helped them to save time in the consumers’ data verification and customers’ data management processes. This app also helps them to be more fluent in doing direct promotion to their customers.
Nuna for HCN division
HCN Division in Nutricia used to share their learning courses and communicates to their employees using social media or internal email. Those processes of communication made the workflow ineffective. Suitmedia provided an effective application for mobile to help the employees in getting knowledge and learning courses in a tap away. We delivered a simple mobile experience that is allowing the employees to read important information from the company, engage more with the content by giving feedback through comment and ‘likes’ button, and download the documents as they please. We also made the content in an easy-to-share format. All of those features has succeeded to make employees stay productive even if they are outside of the office.